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▶ 〈인터뷰 영어패턴 500 플러스〉 100% 활용법
1_ 인터뷰에서 자주 묻는 질문 확인
현직 대기업 영어 면접관이 10년 이상 인터뷰에서 자주 물어보았던 질문들을 Unit 시작 페이지에 정리했습니다.
질문에 어떻게 답할지 자신의 답을 미리 생각해 보세요.
2_ 패턴 활용법 확인 및 유사패턴 정리
어떤 질문에 답할 때 필요한 패턴인지, 어떻게 활용하는지 설명을 읽으며 확인합니다.
쓰임이 비슷한 유사패턴들도 같이 알아 두세요.
3_ 패턴 집중 훈련 → 실전 인터뷰 연습
먼저 패턴을 활용한 예문들을 보고 따라 말해 봅니다(Step 1).
그 다음엔 실제 인터뷰에서 어떤 질문에 이 패턴을 활용하여 답하는지 살펴봅니다(Step 2).
MP3 파일을 들으면서 공부하면 더욱 효과적입니다.
4_ 복습문제로 실력 확인
이 책은 ‘패턴훈련편’과 ‘복습문제편’으로 구성되어 있습니다.
‘패턴훈련편’을 공부한 다음 ‘복습문제편’의 연습문제를 풀면서 실력을 확인합니다.
5_ 들고 다니면서 공부하는 패턴훈련북
특별부록 ‘패턴훈련북’에는 본책에서 학습한 필수패턴 200개와 유사패턴들이 정리되어 있습니다.
20일 만에 500개 패턴을 복습할 수 있도록 구성하였습니다.
6_ 무료 학습자료를 활용한 복습
영어를 공부할 때 반복 학습이 중요하다는 건 모두가 아는 사실!
무료로 제공하는 다양한 온라인 학습자료들을 활용하여 복습해 보세요.
영어 공부의 기본인 단어 암기는 물론, 스피킹 훈련과 리스닝 훈련까지 할 수 있습니다.
PART 1 Personal Background
Unit 01 성격 및 개인적인 경험
I think I’m… / People tell me I’m… / It was… / I… as a kid. / I was born in/near… / That’s probably why…
Unit 02 가족과 친구
I’ve known him for/since… / I like being around him because… / We usually… / …is the (최상급) person I know. / I respect… the most. / I have… / I’m… / I’m really close to… / I take after…
Unit 03 집과 동네
I live in… / It’s in… / It’s close to… / There’s… nearby. / My neighborhood is… / I… my neighbors. / My neighbor is… / I’ve lived there… / I moved to… / It’s known for its… / It has a lot of…
PART 2 School
Unit 04 학교·캠퍼스
I’m attending… / I graduated from… / I was attracted to it because… / It’s… school. / It has… / The campus is… / The school was… / I usually… to campus.
Unit 05 전공·부전공
I’m majoring in… / I’m doing a minor in… / The field is… / I chose it because… / ~ suggested I… / My major is…
Unit 06 과목·교수·동문
The students are… / I especially liked… / …went to my school. / The professor was… / It was… class. / I took…
Unit 07 동아리와 과외 활동
I was in… / I joined it… / Its main aim was to… / Its major activities were… / It met… / There, I… / I had a chance to… / It was… experience.
PART 3 Free Time
Unit 08 여가 활동, 취미 및 관심사
I… every chance I get. / I love… / It’s… / I probably… a ~ / I started it… / I also like… / I usually eat out… / The place has… / I’m not much of a… / The last one I ~ was…
Unit 09 스포츠
I play with… / I go -ing / I’m trying to… / I/We use… / It’s exciting to… / When I’m -ing, I… / I work out… / I like to watch…
Unit 10 선호하는 것들
My favorite ~ is… / I can’t get enough of… / …is my least favorite ~ / I’m not a big fan of… / If I had to pick one, it’d be… / I like going to…
Unit 11 여행
I’ve been to… / I went on a trip to… / I was there for… / I was impressed with… / The people were…. / While I was there, I… / I’m going on a trip to… / I would like to go to…
PART 4 Opinions
Unit 12 현황에 관한 의견
I think it’s… / It’s been… / Granted, it has… / I understand that… / I’ve heard a lot of people say… / In my case, I… / …is a serious issue. / The situation has… / The problem is (that)… / The problem stems from… / So now… / It would be like… / I agree with… / I can’t agree with… / It’s a given that… / All that would do is…
Unit 13 제시하는 방향
There’s some room for… / The government should… / It needs… / What we can all do is… / Not enough has been done to… / Of course, there’s bound to be… / I would say… / What if…? / The change would… / A better alternative would be…
Unit 14 장단점·비교
I prefer… because ~ / A major advantage would be… / One drawback would be… / …would be the best choice. / On one hand,… / On the other hand,… / They are both… / A good example is…
PART 5 Suitability
Unit 15 조직과의 적합성
I have a strong… / My major has… / I’ve developed relevant skills through… / I’m confident that… / I’m a good fit because… / I’m good with/at… / I’m highly knowledgeable about… / I can offer my…
Unit 16 지원 동기
The company has… / It’s the leader in… / The company can help me… / It would be great to work in/at… / I’ve always wanted to…
Unit 17 업무 경험
I worked at… / So I’m familiar with… / The job required me to… / One of my duties was… / I did part-time work… / I was an intern at… / I had to leave because…
PART 6 Qualifications
Unit 18 성취
I won… / I was chosen as… / I was able to… / I was pleased with… / I took the initiative to…
Unit 19 교훈
It happened… / I wrongly assumed that… / I realized that… / I learned that… / I was too… back then.
Unit 20 문제 해결 능력
I was -ing / There was… / I almost… / But I… / I took… approach. / The best way is to…
Unit 21 장단점
My strength is my… / I’m a person who… / Whenever I ~, I… / I can be… / I am trying to be more/less… / I’ve been -ing / I plan to…
Unit 22 리더십
It involved -ing / Everyone had different… / We were… / I was put in charge of…
Unit 23 관점
I think ~ is the most important… / …is not that important to me. / To me, success means -ing / My motto is…
Unit 24 계획과 포부
In the short term, I would like to… / My long-term goal is to… / I hope to be… / Ultimately, I want to…
PART 7 Explaining & Asking Questions
Unit 25 개념·사물 묘사하기
My typical day starts… / I first… / It would be… / This is a photo… / There is/are…
Unit 26 What 설명하기
In English, it means… / The difference is the… / I got… / This weekend, I’m -ing / The quote is from… / It says “…” / …makes me happy. / The most difficult thing is… / I like that I…
Unit 27 Why 설명하기
It’s probably because… / It has a lot to do with… / It’s the same reason…
Unit 28 가상의 질문
I think I would… / I would choose… / I’d love a chance to…
Unit 29 질문 확인하기
Are you asking…? / Could you…? / I’m sorry, I…
Unit 30 면접관에게 질문하기
What would you say is…? / How do you like…? /